Thank you for helping us with your feedback! Here are some quick and easy questions to find out how your experiences was.As an additional thank you, when you have completed this form we will give you a discount of 20% on our future games. Which game did you play? * Jet2Space 2 Tickets 2 Ride Gangsters Treasure What day did you visit us? MM DD YYYY What time was your game? * Hour Minute Second AM PM Had you played Escape Games before? * Yes No Did you find the venue easily? Yes No Slight problems Did you use the pub / Restaurant during your visit? Yes - For Drinks Yes - For Food & Drink Not on this occasion Were you given options of how to receive 'Hints'? * Yes No Did you find the game Challenging Too simple Too difficult Would you return for another of our games? * Yes No Maybe Please rate the following: * The host was polite and clearly explained the game? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The game was challenging and fun? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The game was good value? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I would recommend Clue Adventures to friends? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Please provide any other comments that you would like the managers of the games to be aware of: I have left a review on: TripAdvisor Google Facebook Thank you for your feedbackFor your next adventure with us, please use the promotional code ‘BUDDY’ for a 20% discount on our games.We look forward to seeing you again very soon!